4 reasons why we cannot wait for the return of outdoor yoga

Over the past few weeks, the weather’s been teasing us.

One moment it feels like Spring is finally here, and the next there’s hail the size of snowballs pouring from the heavens. One moment we’re happily skipping around in Birks, and the next we’re donning puffer jackets and wellies. One moment we’re planning summer holidays, and the next we’re humming ‘Frosty the Snowman’ to ourselves in the middle of official Springtime.

But, the sun will eventually be here to stay - and we cannot wait. 

Why? Because the sunshine means the return of FOLD Al Fresco!

For the last few years, we’ve been flowing in the FOLD garden when the sun dares to shine and we absolutely love it. So, while we wait for the temperatures to rise a little and do our sun dances to bring summer here a little faster, we thought we’d share the 4 reasons why we’re so keen to get back to outdoor yoga ASAP!

Yoga outdoors = better lung health

According to medical professionals who are far more in-the-know than us, our lungs have a capacity of 6 whole litres. That means that if we breathe deeply in, we’re consuming 6 litres of air every time.

Breathing is one of the most important things in most yoga practices - whether you’re folding down into a deep stretch or doing an invigorating Power Yoga flow, you need air in your lungs to move your body and fuel your mind.

When we’re lucky enough to practice yoga outside, our lungs get to breathe in fresh air. Fresh air has been proven to boost your mood, clean your lungs, lower your heart rate and increase your energy levels - so when we’re practicing yoga outdoors for even a few minutes, we’re giving our bodies a little dose of good health every single time!

Bonus: the little lurgies we’re all desperately trying to avoid are far less successful at transmitting between humans outside too! FOLD Al Fresco was born out of COVID guidelines for exactly this reason!

Yoga outdoors = more energy

We’re about to get all sciencey on you, so bear with…

Basically, when you’re outside, moving and breathing in the fresh air, your clever little nervous system dreams of simpler times, when we all lived hunter-gatherer lifestyles and spent 24 hours a day outside, rather than stuck in concrete boxes behind little square screens.

When your nervous system realises you’re outside, it kicks things up a gear and recalibrates itself - and by doing so, it replenishes the energy that being inside depletes you of.

And to prove that we’re not making this up (even though it sounds a bit out there!), there’s real scientific evidence gathered by real-life scientists that agrees. This study, for example, proved a connection between spending time in a forested setting (i.e. outdoors) and increased feelings of vigor and vitality.

Basically, when we practice yoga outside, we’re reminding our nervous system that all is well with the world - and in return it gives us replenished energy and sets us up for a better day!

Yoga outdoors = better heart health

It’s not just on Valentine’s Day we should be thinking about our hearts. They’re pretty darn important!

And while we’re all familiar with the medical advice, like eat less saturated fat, get more exercise, reduce your stress - did you know that something as simple as touching the ground with your feet can also boost your heart health?!

Grounding, which is a fancy way of saying ‘direct skin contact with the Earth’, uses principles of physics and earth science to harness the Earth’s electrical current to support our bodies’ health.

Our immune systems, brain and heart all rely on electrical conductivity - and when our skin touches the Earth, it’s believed that electrical charges are able to flow between our bodies and the ground in order to regulate and support the natural functions of our bodies.

Grounding is still a slightly out there topic and doesn’t have loads of research around it yet - but some studies have seen positive effects on improving post-exercise muscle damage, pain reduction and mood improvement. 

One of the most interesting studies looked at the connection between grounding and heart health. Blood measurements were taken before and after grounding to monitor changes in red blood cell fluidity, which plays an important role in heart health. After a period of grounding (using the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet), participants shows significantly less red blood cell clumping - which reduces the risk of heart issues developing.

So, when we’re practicing yoga outside, we’re soaking up the positive electrical current of the Earth and boosting our heart health, our mood and reducing pain. Basically, outdoor yoga with bare feet is a wonder drug!

Yoga outdoors = emotional cleansing

Okay, we’re about to get a little bit woo…

You all know (if you don’t, go read this) that yoga doesn’t have to be spiritual - but if you are practicing yoga to reconnect with your inner self or find a little slice of peace in your daily life, practicing yoga outdoors can boost that spiritual element even more.

Yoga has its spiritual roots in the theory that the body has specific energy centres, called chakras. There are seven chakras in total: crown chakra, third eye chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra and root chakra. Each chakra has a different focus and can become ‘blocked’ by negative energy, having a negative impact on our mind, body and soul.

Why is this relevant to outdoor yoga? Well, because connecting with the ground (grounding, like we spoke about before) is thought to have a hugely positive impact on your root chakra. When we practice yoga outdoors, our root chakra begins to match the frequency of the Earth itself - which it’s believed will help to unblock your root chakra and make you more receptive to positive emotions and energy.

And who doesn’t love positive vibes?!

Bring on FOLD Al Fresco!

See why we love outdoor yoga so much?!

FOLD Al Fresco will be returning just as soon as the weather gets its act together - but in the meantime you can still join us in the studio or at home for your daily yoga fix.


FOLD Faves: what to do in Stoke Newington.


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